1. Data controller
Company name: Enrique J. San Agustin Urchaga
Registered office (address): S.C. de Tenerife, 38677 Tijoco Bajo/ Adeje, Acceso a La Concepcion 51
Company registration number: 50765154Z
Electronic contact: info@somosparaglidingtenerife.com
Person authorized for representation: Enrique J. San Agustin Urchaga
2. Rules of data management
The validity of this Privacy Statement is from February 14, 2020 until withdrawal.
As the operator of www.somosparaglidingtenerife.com (hereinafter referred to as the “website"), Enrique J. San Agustin Urchaga (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") informs its visitors that it only handles personal information in relation to this website as defined in this Privacy Policy.
The Company declares that personal data is handled only in order to exercise its rights or to fulfill its obligations. The personal data handled are not used for private purposes, and data management will always comply with the purpose limitation principle - if the purpose of data management is terminated or data management is otherwise illegal, the data will be deleted.
The Company manages personal data only on the prior consent of the concerned party or in a special case prescribed by law.
The purpose of this information is to provide the data subject with the purpose of the data management as well as the legal basis for data handling and all relevant information on data management before registering the data.
Employees handling information at the Company's departments are required to keep the personal information they are aware of as business secrets. For this purpose, our employees who handle personal data and have access to them have made a Declaration of confidentiality.
The Company's current managing director defined the organization of data protection, the scope of duties and responsibilities on data protection and related to it and assigned the person for the supervision of data management, taking into account the specificities of the Company.
Employees of the Company will ensure that unauthorized persons cannot access personal information during their work. The storage and placement of personal data is designed in a way that they shall not be available, recognizable, altered or destroyed by an unauthorized person.
3. Data management during the use of the Company's website
3.1. Website Privacy Policy
During visits to our site, some data are collected for statistical analysis purposes. The extent of such data is described below. Such data is collected exclusively for internal use, which is primarily designed to improve our website to better adapt to your business or personal needs. Google Analytics tools are used to track visits (google.com). During a visit, we collect and analyze the following data sent by your browser to our server. We collect data using JavaScript, which runs on all pages of our website. JavaScript places a tracking cookie on your computer to help identify your individual visits and recognize repeated visits to our site.
The following data are collected:
- Browser type and version number (e.g. Google Chrome)
- Browser language (e.g. English)
- Operating system (e.g. Windows 10)
- The internal resolution of the browser window
- Screen Resolution
- Active JavaScript
- Installed extensions
- Cookies off/on
- Color depth
- IP address to identify the visitor's country. The IP address itself is used solely for the purpose of identifying the geographic location and the service provider, and will be immediately deleted.
- Date and time of entry
- Clicks
3.2. Contacting the Company, registration
On the Company’s website, visitors have the opportunity to contact the Company: by filling in a form, you can give the relevant information necessary for getting into contact. However, the person concerned can only send the data if he/she accepts the data management rules of the Company, which can be done by checking a check box, otherwise the visitor will not be able to send the message.
Purpose of data management: to facilitate the contact with the Company, registration
Range of managed data: name, contact details, email address, phone number, subject of contacting, order details
Deadline for data storage: if the person concerned does not become a customer of the Company, then until the contact is settled (until the target is reached), if the person concerned becomes a customer of the Company, in the case of customer relationship, as long as the person concerned is the customer of the Company
Data storage method: electronic
4. Deleting data, unsubscribe
To delete registered data click on "Contact" on the website’s menu, and send a short message or via e-mail (info@somosparaglidingtenerife.com). Any data whose retention is required by a law cannot be deleted.